Tuesday, December 30, 2008

peace and panic.

guday, mates. so in my quest to find peace, i've been sifting through some books given to me over the holidays- "the power of now" and "you can heal your life". gee, i wonder what the common theme in these books is. thank God for dr. phil and his endorsements. with the anxiety of everyday life, and my inability to acquire xanax, i have been attempting to focus on my breath and the very moment- not the moment 2 seconds ago, or the 2 seconds into the future. just what's happening at the moment of each breath, and giving notice to the breath, as if each one a gift. the effects of this practice have proven interesting, you see, because what has happened is that i'm going through frequent "hills" of peace and panic. one moment i'm at peace with the present, then the next i'm having a slight panic attack and want to swerve my car across a highway median, and straight to the airport. my breath has now become breathe in peace, breathe out panic.

can i find solace after 6 months in a fat camp? or a yoga retreat at yogaville?
swami asalamalaykem, please hear my cry.

i'm tired. i have homework. i have work in the morning. i should go to sleep. i don't want to do any of it.

God, i need to thank you tonight for the stars and the moon, and the music that gets me through the day. there are no words to describe their beauty.

in the words of my late uncle steve, be well.

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