Wednesday, December 10, 2008


this town is no good for me. i can't walk anywhere. and if i do, i'll get hit by a minivan. when i lived in california, florida, montana in ten feet of fucking snow...i WALKED! jesus, god forbid they start building sidewalks in this place. people might actually WALK to the mcdonalds instead of drive. maybe it's because the death rate would RISE from fat people walking into other people leaving a mcdonalds.

i see pictures of myself and want to sit on someone. or sit on myself. whatever. i'm unrecognisable. i cut myself out of them because i can't bear to see what i've become! isn't that pathetic?? now i need to add DIET pills to my list! how big is santa's bag? can my pills fit amongst all of the nintendo games and polly pockets? surely, they can!

the fact is, exercise is not a lifestyle here. it's a chore. it's not incorporated into the daily routine- we have to make TIME for it. and who the hell has THAT? (and if you do, then go jam a yoga mat up your skinny ass.) send me to a fat camp. leave me alone. i don't want to see anyone for 6 months. as for my continual pessimism, go fuck yourself. it's my party and i'll bitch if i want to.

god- i'm sorry- how was your day?

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